It’s a new year and a new me? As cliche as that sounds, if I’m really honest with myself it’s true.
Last year I made the difficult decision to leave my job and take some time to reset and refocus on my goals. It wasn’t an easy decision for me, and I miss many of my coworkers as I admire the great things they continue to accomplish from a distance.
In the next couple of months after leaving my job, I focused on finding myself again by setting new routines. I cut down drastically on my social media use, set exercise and diet goals, and took time for hobbies and art.
The best decision I’ve made is to go back to school to learn how to code. It’s been something I’ve thought about for a long time ever since I got a taste for learning programming languages in some Java development classes I took a few years back. After some preliminary tests and classes to prepare me for the full program, I’ve joined the Springboard Software Engineering track!
I’m aiming to use my blog to share what I learn, and here’s my first “app”, a simple memory game: Memory Game!